New car market in Russia: November, 2023 sales data released

New car market in Russia: November, 2023 sales data released

According to the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee, total sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in November 2023 amounted to 110,935 units. This figure is confirmed by sales data of new cars from PPС - 117,994 units. The difference in numbers is due to additional sales through alternative channels.

Sales growth in January-November was 44% compared to the same period last year. According to PPС, taking into account alternative channels, the market has already reached almost a million cars sold. The market is showing positive dynamics, but the factors of increased disposal fee and the key rate restrict the sales.

Full year results and forecast for 2024 will be presented at the annual press conference of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee in January.”

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According to a recent report by AEB, there were 110,935 new passenger cars and LCVs sold in Russia in November 2023