PGW Signs EU Co-Financing Agreement for New Facility in Poland

PGW Signs EU Co-Financing Agreement for New Facility in Poland

Pittsburgh Glass Works (PGW) LLC , a world leading supplier of automotive glass and services will invest a total amount of PLN 244,453,843 (approx. €60 million) with PLN 204,494,640 being eligible for co-financing of PLN 61,348,392 at a level of 30%.

The new facility’s manufacturing focus will be on high-technology, high-content windshields with full surface control that meet the needs of the European premium vehicle market. This segment currently accounts for approximately 60% of European auto production.

Groundbreaking for the new PGW facility was November 2010 and production is expected to begin in early 2012. When fully operational, the new manufacturing site will employ in excess of 160 people.

Products to be offered by the new plant will includeSungate® and Sungate EP® infrared reflective glass, Solextra® blue glass andSoundMaster® enhanced acoustic glass windshields.

The new PGW site in Sroda Slaska, near the southwestern Poland city of Wroclaw will also allow for the future addition of additional windshield capacity and a tempering line for side windows and other products.

US-based Pittsburgh Glass Works settled a co-financing deal with the EU for a new automotive glass manufacturing facility in Sroda Slaska near Wroclaw